
My research primarily revolves around the design of new intelligent database systems including (1) NVM (Non-Volatile Memory)-aware Database systems, (2) Flash-based Database systems, and (3) In-Storage computing. Through this research, I aim to explore the potential benefits and limitations in the context of the modern computing environment and to develop new approaches for designing and implementing intelligent database systems that can meet the demands of data-driven applications using exascale data
Most of our research artifacts are released as open source
Visit our Lab for more details.


Office: HUFS Eng Build. 511 (공학관 511호)
Tel: 031-330-4363


  • Our paper “NV-SQL: Boosting OLTP Performance with Non-Volatile DIMMs” was accepted by VLDB 2023

Recent Papers

NV-SQL: Boosting OLTP Performance with Non-Volatile DIMMs. (to appear) Mijin An, Jonghyeok Park, Tianzheng Wang, Beomseok Nam and Sang-Won Lee. VLDB 2023

SaS: SSD as SQL Database System Jong-Hyeok Park, Soyee Choi, Gihwan Oh, and Sang-Won Lee. VLDB 2021

SQL Statement Logging for Making SQLite Truly Lite Jong-Hyeok Park, Gihwan Oh, and Sang-Won Lee. VLDB 2021